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We need a Chief Government Linguist to embed…
Alongside colleagues from the Open World Research Initiative (OWRI), I am calling for the appointment of a Chief Government Linguist at government level in the UK. In a way that is not dissimilar to the Government Chief Scientific Adviser (and the network of departmental CSAs),…
Views of Foreign Secretary and Ofsted Chief Inspector…
Today’s reports that the Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, aims to increase substantially the number of diplomats with language skills highlights the importance of languages for the UK’s relationships around the world. In addition, the views of Ofsted Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman, where she points to…
Slanguages Launch Event – Birmingham November 8
Join Professor Rajinder Dudrah, who leads research in the Creative Economy Strand, and colleagues from Punch Records as they launch Slanguages on Thursday November 8th in Birmingham. Slanguages explores creative way artists take inspiration from and use different languages. The project is wide-ranging and includes exhibitions,…
Language and Identity: Explorations Through Film
The OWRI Cross Languages Dynamics have supported film students to produce a number of short films, to be shown in November 2018. When: 10 November 2018, 14.00 Where: The Former Cornerhouse, Manchester – see map of venue About: Language and Identity is explored in the…